Out in the Sussex Woods Where the Trees are Alive

I adore woodland.  Always have.  Of course I appreciate the wild flowers that spring up this time of year. There’s nothing quite as beautiful as a carpet of bluebells, but woods have an appeal regardless of the season.

I know some people think woods are spooky places and I think I’ve discovered why…


Keeping an eye on you in Buxted Park, Uckfield


Just take a look at some of the odd faces and shapes of some of these trees in various woods.  If you think the one above had an eye on you, this one’s taking no chances:


Some trees resemble creatures or have full faces, like these in Hempstead Woods near Framfield:

Piranha Tree


Or how about this one, he looks like a scarecrow:


Apparently, it’s a natural human tendency to see faces in things, but surely there’s no denying this one:



The aliens have landed



I found this chap at Piltdown, our very own Easter Island head, or just one tree with many faces (I didn’t know trees could be two – or more – faced):


Seems a little rude – there’s no need for that, I was only looking – it’s in Hempstead Lane, Uckfield


Meanwhile, in the woods off Snatts Road, Uckfield, a tree that needs to pull its stockings up:

You’ve got to hand it to this one


And back to Hempstead Woods which never fails to fascinate.  Every time I visit there seems to be a whole new bunch of weird and wonderful shapes.

Look at this great Hornbeam bark


Amazing twists and turns


Just plain weird!


These are wearing their green wellies – it has been wet lately


Another that can’t make up its mind


And zipping things up with this final effort


I hope you’ve enjoyed these photos.  Where have you spotted odd trees?



  • Ann Ritchie

    Ann was born and raised in Sussex. She spent some years living in Cornwall where she drove a vintage tractor as a hobby, and did rather well in local ploughing contests, before moving to France where she was fully involved in all aspects of their house renovations. Having moved back to Sussex in 2013, Ann has recently retired from the NHS. A keen walker, with an excellent knowledge of nature, Unknown Kent and Sussex readers can enjoy the stunning photos Ann takes on her hikes throughout our counties.

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