Would you like to write for Unknown Kent and Sussex?
If you are a writer based in, or with links to Kent and/or Sussex, you probably have ideas and knowledge about our counties that our readers would love for you to share.
Perhaps you haven’t written before but have a burning desire to do so.
You might only submit one article or become a regular writer. Who knows where it will take you.
If accepted, we reserve the right to edit any articles prior to publication. You would agree that we have your permission to print articles and images that must be your own work (or works you have written permission to use). You will always retain copyright of your own work.
All you need to do is send us an email including the following information:
Your Name
Link or links to previous written article(s), if any
What you’d like to write about?
What makes you a great fit for Unknown Kent and Sussex.
Lyn & Maria