Nature’s Artistry


There is nothing more fascinating than the artwork of Nature. On my walks throughout the year I love watching the changes in flora and fauna as the seasons pass.
Stinking Iris


Sweet chestnut
Perhaps the most interesting process in plant life is the transformation into seed heads, and the immense variety of ‘designs’ for continuing the species is quite amazing.




Old Man’s Beard
My photos here reflect just a tiny example of the many varied and complex structures created for the development and distribution of seeds.
Nemesia or Love in a Mist






Cow Parsley
All photos copyright Ann Ritchie Photography


  • Ann Ritchie

    Ann was born and raised in Sussex. She spent some years living in Cornwall where she drove a vintage tractor as a hobby, and did rather well in local ploughing contests, before moving to France where she was fully involved in all aspects of their house renovations. Having moved back to Sussex in 2013, Ann has recently retired from the NHS. A keen walker, with an excellent knowledge of nature, Unknown Kent and Sussex readers can enjoy the stunning photos Ann takes on her hikes throughout our counties.

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