Carlos Acosta’s Carmen at Sadlers Wells

By Lyn Funnell

Carlos Acosta is probably one of the greatest male dancers in the world, so it was an honour to see him last night at Sadlers Wells.

Appearing with him was his Cuban dance team, Acosta Danza, dancing Acosta’s version of Carmen.

George Bizet’s opera, Carmen was first performed in 1875 and has been loved and admired  by everyone.

Carmen, a beautiful gypsy girl, is adored by soldier Don Jose, but she cruelly dumps him for the charismatic toreador, Escamillio.

Crazy with jealousy, Don Jose stabs Carmen to death.

Bizet’s music was adapted in1967 by the Cuban choreographer Alberto Alonso, and Carlos has used the same music with extra compositions by Martin Yates, Yhovani Duarte and Denis Paralta.

The first scene was mainly Carmen and Don Jose dancing together.

My husband thought it was wonderful, but I preferred Scene 2, which included the whole dance team and was more exciting, with Cuban touches to Bizet’s music.

Sadlers Wells is an excellent place to watch performances. The views of the stage are good from all seats. And the sound system is absolutely brilliant!

To hear the music playing for Carlos Acosta’s Carmen really made the whole performance thrilling.

Carmen is at Sadlers Wells from the 2-6 July.

Sadler’s Wells Trust Limited, Rosebery Avenue, London, EC1R 4TN
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  • Lyn Funnell

    Lyn is the co-owner of Unknown Kent and Sussex. She lives in Sussex. Lyn has been writing for most of her life, both Fiction & Non-Fiction. She loves cookery & creating original recipes. She's won a lot of prizes, including Good Housekeeping Millenium Menu & on BBC The One Show as a runner-up, making her Britain's Spag Bol Queen! She has had nine books published so far. History, Travel & Restaurant Reviews are her main interests.

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