September – Malta’s Showcase Month In Historic Heritage

Naturally all months are important but in Malta and Gozo the month of September is the staple heritage and cultural backbone joint of their existence.

Why September? In most European countries it just marks the end of summer and the onset of autumn. In the Maltese Islands it means lots and lots more

Independence Day Memorial in Fproama

The most influential events in the recorded history of the Maltese Islands took place during September and remain outstanding dates of commemoration todate and forever.

The first – and possibly the most important – was on 8th September in 1565 when the gigantic forces of the Ottoman Empire (in those days based in Turkey) decided to stop and withdraw from their invasion of Malta which they considered as an essential foothold to further planned invasions in the heart of Europe.

A vast Ottoman flotilla on the way to Malta

During their Siege of Malta from early May in that year to this day, the Ottomans suffered tremendous losses as well as the loss of their hero and commander Admiral Dragut who suffered a shot in the chest and died in Malta.

A painting by Cali of the death of Admiral Dragut

The commanding Knights of the Order of St John of Jerusalem under Grandmaster Jean Parisot de La Valette and the Maltese soldiers and sailors under their command declared the day as Victory Day for Malta, Europe and Christianity.

Valiant defence by the Knights

Queen Elizabeth I of the United Kingdom classed this as a victory that “has saved Christianity in Europe”.

Queen Elizabeth I of England

As coincidence would have it, the 8th September is also the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady – and even more remarkably THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE (379) YEARS LATER, the Italian Fleet surrendered in Malta’s Grand Harbour on 8th September 1944 to mark the beginning of the end of World War II!

Independence Day on the 21st September 1964 is another major heritage day when after 2,000 years of foreign domination over Malta and its land and marine territory, the Government of Great Britain declared Malta to be a free and independent country and this brought about a host of changes which make the Maltese Islands what they are today.

Malta Independence Day – 21 September

There are many cultural activities enabling participation.

Thus, understandably enough, September has for some years been declared to be the Malta Mediterranean Festival Month, a stirring celebration of Mediterranean culture, featuring a mix of music, dance, food, and art the month, in cultural and history sites on dates which will be declared.

The vast Ottoman Empire in 1565 stretching from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean

Music and Dance Performances will feature live performances by local and international artists, showcasing traditional and contemporary Mediterranean music and dance.

Culinary Experiences will include a great variety of Mediterranean cuisines with food stalls and cooking demonstrations by renowned chefs.

Art Exhibitions will be situated in a number of locations and will feature exhibitions by Mediterranean artists, reflecting the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Workshops and Activities will enable those attending to participate in workshops on crafts, music, dance, and cooking, suitable for all ages.

There will also be Cultural Talks and Panels discussing Mediterranean history, culture, and current issues.

More information on dates and locations can be obtained from the Festivals Malta website, but it can be assured the locations will be a visit in themselves and the content of activities will be social, friendly and participative.

Without even the slightest doubt, September is a bumper month for Malta for visitors.

Malta’s many national museums will provide an insight on The Great Siege and Independence Day and there will be street bands and many public activities.

Never a moment’s rest in Malta and Gozo!

Latest Updated News:

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, Prince Edward and his wife Sophie, will be visiting Malta between 7th and 10th October to augment the 60th anniversary of Malta’s Independence on 21stSeptember 1964. The visit has just been announced by the Malta Government.

The Duke of Edinburgh is King Charles III’s second brother and was the youngest child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the former Duke of Edinburgh.



  • Albert Fenech was born in Malta in 1946. His family moved to England in 1954 where he spent boyhood and youth before in 1965 returning to Malta. He spent eight years as a journalist with “The Times of Malta” before taking a career in HR Management Administration with a leading international construction company in Libya, later with Malta Insurance Brokers, and finally STMicroelectronics Malta, employing 3,000 employees, Malta’s leading industrial manufacturer. Throughout he actively pursued international freelance journalism/ broadcasting for various media outlets covering social issues, current affairs, sports and travel. He has written in a number of publications both in Malta and overseas, as well as publishing two e-books. For the last eight years he had been writing a “Malta Diary” with pictures for Lyn Funnel’s international travel magazine.

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