Out and About Among Nature’s Textures

Spear Thistle
As well as being good exercise, most of us go for walks for views, flowers, bird watching etc, and on one of my regular walks in Sussex, along the river from Lewes to Hamsey and back, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy all three.  However, how many of us bother to look beyond the obvious when we are out?
Gorgeous Blackthorn Blossom


Purple Deadnettle


Hawthorn Blossom
I always take loads of photos on all my walks, and often have a ‘topic’ in mind when I set out, dependent upon the time of year, weather, and location.  For example, I might keep a look out for fungi, unusual trees, wild flowers and so on.
On a recent walk I decided to ‘look beyond the obvious’ and take more notice of nature’s many and varied textures. Next time you go out, take a moment to seek out the less obvious beauty around you.
Spiny Sowthistle
Those little plants that people write off as ‘just a weed’ often have fascinating structures to their leaves, stems and flowers.
River Horsetail
Even the smallest tree can have wonderful patterns in its bark and leaves. And by taking more note of the little things, you’ll realise there is so much more to see when you’re out and about.
Young Ash Leaves
Some of the flora is imaginatively named.
The Wonderfully Named Old Man’s Beard


False Chamomile




Whilst inspecting the plants around me, I also spotted a couple of ladybirds (pun intended!), a worker bee, and other bugs resting on leaves.
Ladybird on Nettles


Bee on Cow Parsley
Of course, it’s lovely to look at the far-reaching views, but don’t let them distract you from all the other interesting things right under your nose.
Next time you head out into our beautiful Sussex or Kent countryside, try taking a look at things close up!!
Teasel Close-up
Nature is not just about fine vistas and pretty flowers; even ‘weeds’ can be beautiful.
Seeded dandelion – “what’s the time, Mr Wolf?”


  • Ann Ritchie

    Ann was born and raised in Sussex. She spent some years living in Cornwall where she drove a vintage tractor as a hobby, and did rather well in local ploughing contests, before moving to France where she was fully involved in all aspects of their house renovations. Having moved back to Sussex in 2013, Ann has recently retired from the NHS. A keen walker, with an excellent knowledge of nature, Unknown Kent and Sussex readers can enjoy the stunning photos Ann takes on her hikes throughout our counties.

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