Author: Harry Pope


  • Harry Pope

    Harry Pope realised he could write when he first went to school, and hasn’t stopped since. He returned the next day after parental prompting, because he realised he could talk as well, just as well because he is now in retirement a cruise ship lecturer with P&O and Saga, talking about the greatest comedians the UK has ever known. He is not a lecturer, nor a stand-up comedian, but an entertainer. His wife Pam goes as well, as there are so many groupies onboard.

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Celebrity, Coastal, Eastbourne, Historic Buildings, History, Sussex

Tribute to Harry Pope. Let’s Go To the Marina

Words by Harry Pope, Images by Ann Ritchie Tribute to the Late Harry Pope, by Lyn Funnell We lost our dear friend Harry Pope last year. He’s sadly missed.... Read more.
Jimmy Greaves playing football
Celebrity, Charity, Sussex

Footballer Jimmy Greaves nicked my Magazine!

by the Late, sadly missed Harry Pope Probably the most famous footballer on the planet in the late 1950s and a lot of the 1960s was Jimmy Greaves. He played&hel... Read more.
Eastbourne, Historic Buildings, History, Sussex

Redoubt Military Fortress, Eastbourne. By Harry Pope, RIP

 Harry Pope realised he could write when he first went to school, and never stopped since. He returned the next day after parental prompting, because he realis... Read more.
Eastbourne, History, Sussex

Seaside Eastbourne and the Wartime Evacuees.

 by Harry Pope In the Autumn of 1939 the South coast of England was to be the safe haven for thousands of children and their mothers. Sunday 3rd September was... Read more.
Charity, Eastbourne, Historic Buildings, History, Sussex

Eastbourne’s Old Workhouse.

by Harry Pope Eastbourne, like a lot of towns, had a workhouse. I have recently re-read the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist, and the depiction is I suspect v... Read more.
Coastal, Eastbourne, Entertainment, Food and Drink, Historic Buildings, History, Sussex

1930s Sussex Holiday

by Harry Pope   Looking through an auction catalogue I discovered they were selling some old 1930 photos of a family holiday in my home town of Eastbourne, on... Read more.
Coastal, Eastbourne, History, Sussex, Uncategorized

Don’t Forget the Handbrake. Beachy Head, Sussex.

  by Harry Pope Beachy Head is over 200 metres high, a sheer cliff, overlooking the English Channel to the west of Eastbourne. There is a lighthouse at the bo... Read more.
Eastbourne, Sussex

Religious Riots in Genteel Eastbourne!

Eastbourne, with its reputation as a haven for senior citizens, was once a centre for riots over religion! Surely there must be some mistake, especially as the ... Read more.
Eastbourne, Historic Buildings, History, Sussex

When Eastbourne Suffered Bombing Devastation

Civilians in war are usually the first to suffer, and Eastbourne on the UK’s south coast was no exception when WW2 started in earnest. Only three enemy planes... Read more.

Eastbourne’s Blue Plaques

There are over thirty blue plaques on the walls of Eastbourne’s buildings in this East Sussex coastal town, denoting where someone famous has been connected w... Read more.
Coastal, Eastbourne, History, Sussex

Beachy Head, a Renowned Beauty Area

by Harry Pope There is an area of outstanding natural beauty to the west of Eastbourne on the south coast called Beachy Head. There is a long winding road to&he... Read more.
Coastal, Eastbourne, History, Sussex, Uncategorized

Eastbourne’s Artisan Area

by Harry Pope Eastbourne on the south coast is a strange contract, to the west the more affluent, and to the east of the dividing line of pier the old…... Read more.
Coastal, Eastbourne, Historic Buildings, History, Sussex

The Romans Invaded Eastbourne

By Harry Pope Eastbourne is on the Sussex coast, mid-way between Brighton and Hastings. No strategic value, so not a lot of reason to welcome a Roman settlement... Read more.
Coastal, Eastbourne, Entertainment, History, Sussex

Where is the Eastbourne Camera Obscura?

by Harry Pope There are very few camera obscuras left in the UK, but there is a hidden gem in the Sussex seaside town of Eastbourne. Walk onto Eastbourne’s 18... Read more.
Celebrity, Coastal, Eastbourne, Entertainment, Historic Buildings, History, Sussex

A Hot Victorian Theatre

 by Harry Pope   It used to be real fun to be a volunteer usher at my local Royal Hippodrome Theatre here in Eastbourne, so it was a natural progression&h... Read more.
History, Sussex

A Murder in Genteel Eastbourne? Surely not

by Harry Pope Pat Mahon Despite a current population in excess of 100,000, Eastbourne on the South Coast mid-way between Brighton and Hastings rarely experience... Read more.
Eastbourne, Entertainment, Historic Buildings, History, Sussex

140 years Entertaining Eastbourne

 by Harry Pope   The Royal Hippodrome is one of the most haunted theatres in the South of England. 2nd August 2023 saw the Royal Hippodrome Theatre, on Ea... Read more.
Coastal, Eastbourne, Historic Buildings, History, Sussex, Uncategorized

Where was the most bombed town on the South coast?

 by Harry Pope Eastbourne’s population is now in excess of 100,000, but during WW2 this went down to well under 20,000, as most civilians were evacuated. Tro... Read more.
Eastbourne, Sussex

What To Do With a Dead Bandstand.

by Harry Pope Look for hidden Eastbourne and the seafront has a lot of history that’s just waiting to be discovered. The town is on the south coast, mid-way b... Read more.