High up on its ‘Motte’ in the heart of Lewes you will find the remains of Lewes Castle presiding over the town, still proudly standing more than 950 years since building commenced.

On a recent bright and breezy day I took a bus ride to visit the castle, and take advantage of the clear day for some photographs from the top of the towers.

Lewes Castle was a Norman castle of ‘Motte and Bailey’ design, built after the Battle of Hastings by supporters of William the Conqueror. Building began in 1067 and was the seat of William de Warenne, a supporter of William the Conqueror. Various additions and changes were made over the centuries. Motte and Bailey castles were a Norman design.
The Motte was a steep, man-made mound on which a tower or ‘Keep’ was built. The Bailey was a flat area of land enclosed by fencing and adjacent to the Motte, where people lived and worked. The Bailey of Lewes Castle is now a bowling green, and can be clearly seen from the top of the Motte. Lewes Castle is unusual in that it had two Mottes; the later second one is where the remains of the tower now stand. The earlier original Motte these days can be seen as a hill on the other side of the Bailey, but no building exists on it now.

The climb up to the Keep is not too onerous, and there are benches along the path. Once there, you can enter the tower and continue up to the roof via several flights of steep, spiral wooden stairs; however, be prepared as they are very small, narrow steps. The climb is worth it for the stunning 360° views across Lewes, the Downs, and the High and Low Wealds. Various landmarks (including Lewes prison) are pointed out on the information boards around the perimeter of the roof.

On the way up, the life and times of the castle can be found on information boards on each floor, and you can look out at the views through the windows and arrow slits.

The Barbican tower, opposite the Keep, can be reached via a walkway.

Again, you can climb up to the roof of the tower. There are various displays on each floor, including some with costumes for photo opportunities.

At ground level, you can admire the Barbican archway and castle gatehouse which span the cobbled street below.

Look up from the street and you will see the ‘machicolations’ hanging out from the top of the wall, through which rocks and stones (or even less pleasant deterrents!) could be dropped down onto any intruders below.

On a warm day, you can bring and enjoy a picnic in the lovely gardens during your visit.

In the adjoining Museum of Sussex Archaeology you can discover the full history of the castle, as well as various exhibitions, film shows, and artefacts from prehistoric to medieval Sussex.
So lots to see, steeped in history and extremely interesting. I highly recommend adding a visit to Lewes Castle to your to do list when visiting Sussex.
Opening times and entry prices can be found at: